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  • Issue #9: ☔ Waiting on God isn’t a seasonal thing...

Issue #9: ☔ Waiting on God isn’t a seasonal thing...

It’s a mark of the Christian life.

Blessed Friday. As we kick off Advent this Sunday, let’s remember our brothers and sisters in hard to reach places whose Christmas season will look very different than ours. Even today, while we’re gathering with family, or as we hurry through the mall for last minute presents, let’s bring them to mind and pray for them. Let’s be bold in sharing the gospel in our neighborhoods, remembering the bravery of those sharing the gospel in nations where it’s against the law to even call yourself a Christian.

In today’s edition:

  • A C. S. Lewis quote that will get stuck in your head

  • The book that has impacted David’s life the most

  • Nepal’s biggest trek isn’t the one you think

📖 A simple book I highly recommend

If you were to ask me what book outside of the Bible has had the most impact on my life in recent years, I would have no hesitation in sharing with you about Andrew Murray’s Waiting on God.

My introduction to Murray’s book came during the prolonged process of adopting our son, J. D., through three and a half years of waiting to bring him into our home. But when I began to read what Murray wrote, I realized that waiting on God isn’t confined to seasons of life when we need particular patience. Instead, waiting on God is the posture of the entire Christian life on a moment-by-moment, day-by-day basis.

After all, when you think about it, you realize that everything in all creation is continually waiting on God. Birds get food from God and trees get sunlight and water from God. Similarly, our hearts receive their power to beat and our lungs receive their power to breathe from God. This means each of us is completely dependent on God for everything we need, and the sooner we realize this (and live accordingly!), the sooner we will experience life the way God has designed us to live it: in total dependence on and trust in Him.

Murray writes: “God unceasingly giving and working; His child unceasingly waiting and receiving: this is the blessed life.” Indeed, in Murray’s words, “Waiting on God is itself the highest privilege of man, the highest blessedness of His redeemed child.”

Do you see your life this way?

Do you rise in the morning and fall to your knees (at least figuratively, if not physically) to say, “God, I am completely dependent on You for everything I need today. For the strength, peace, comfort, joy, wisdom, and grace I need to follow Jesus and make him known. And I am waiting on You – and trusting in You – to provide all of these things and more in my life all day long.” Then do you go into your day consciously looking to God for help in every circumstance, for endurance no matter what challenges this fallen world may bring, and power to be His witness in it?

One of the features I love about Murray’s book is the way it is simply organized around meditations on Scriptures that speak of “waiting.” The book consists of 31 days of devotion-like readings, making it a helpful companion to your time alone with God in His Word. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

“If we but saw our God in His love, if we but believed that He waits to be gracious, that He waits to be our life and to work all in us, how this waiting on God would become our highest joy, the natural and spontaneous response of our hearts to His great love and glory!”

“All the exercises of the spiritual life, our reading and praying, our willing and doing, have their very great value. But they can go no farther than this, that they point the way and prepare us in humility to look to and to depend alone upon God Himself, and in patience to wait on His good time and mercy. The waiting is to teach us our absolute dependence upon God’s mighty working and to make us in perfect patience place ourselves at His disposal.”

“And yet, if it be true that God alone is goodness and joy and love; if it be true that our highest blessedness is in having as much of God as we can; if it be true that Christ has redeemed us wholly for God, and made a life of continual abiding in His presence possible, nothing less ought to satisfy than to be breathing this blessed atmosphere, “I wait on Thee” (Psalm 25:21).

I encourage you to “breathe this blessed atmosphere” of waiting on God today – and every day – in your life.

— David Platt

🇳🇵Believe it or not, Mount Everest isn’t Nepal’s greatest trek.

The Details: With a majority Hindu population, many people in Nepal are isolated geographically, making it difficult to reach them with the gospel. Even if missionaries or indigenous believers can go to remote villages or share the gospel in cities, converting from one religion to another is illegal in Nepal. This makes many people scared to become Christians or to meet together as a church. On top of that, Nepal is faced with spiritual darkness, particularly human trafficking.  

The Takeaways: In a place with geographical and spiritual mountains to climb, Christ’s name is spreading. With more and more faithful missionaries being sent, the number of Christians in Nepal has risen by nearly 40 percent in less than a decade. Despite persecution, we can pray for God to bless the witness of indigenous believers and missionaries, so that many more Nepalis may know and believe the gospel.

The essence of Christian theology is grace, and the essence of Christian ethics is gratitude.

– G. C. Berkouwer

👂🏽Listening to the right instincts

I ran into a quote by C. S. Lewis the other day, and since seeing it for the first time, it’s been stuck in my head. It reads: 

Telling us to obey instinct is like telling us to obey 'people.' People say different things: so do instincts. Our instincts are at war.

It feels true in everyday life, and you know it’s true because it’s what the Bible teaches in so many places like Romans 7 and Philippians 1.  When torn between two instincts or desires, “Which I shall choose I cannot tell,” 1:22.

Lewis’ quote is echoing the admonition of Scripture to “approve what’s excellent” (Phil. 1:10), and to seek discernment and understanding (Prov. 8:8-9.) It starts with our own hearts and instincts. It reminds of a frequent fight I’ve been having, regarding Uber…and even Black Friday. 

Let me explain. 

Whenever I get a silent Uber driver, that’s five stars and a good tip. Please don’t roll your eyes, I know it sounds trite, but in my city, finding one of those is like getting an empty row all for yourself on a long flight. You just want to lay down, enjoy the ride, and hopefully get to your destination.

Frequently, as we get stuck in Santo Domingo traffic, it hits me: the gospel. By God’s grace, I’ve been forgiven, and I am in Christ. But I don’t know if my driver is. And I begin to wonder if God has ordained this moment for me to talk about Jesus, or to at least to listen to his doubts and pray for him. 

And yet, I have this other instinct that tells me I need to rest, and that twenty minutes isn’t enough, and that it’ll be really uncomfortable if I get shut down. Which I shall choose, you can tell.

Rest is good. Twenty minutes might not be enough. Nobody likes getting shut down. And somehow, nine times out of ten, when I obey those survival instincts, I’m disobeying my Savior. Because I know that eternity is longer than twenty minutes of uncomfortableness, and I know some conversations might end in gospel presentations, and some will end in conversions.

So, if you are in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit, and he uses your instincts. You just need to listen to the right ones. The Law of God is in your mind, and your ministry is necessary. 

I know you feel like resting, but let me encourage you to talk to that Uber driver. And I know your instinct is telling you that today is the day to get those amazing deals. Yet I want you to consider instead investing in holding the rope for those serving in the red zones. I know time is short and you have a lot going on, but this might just be the window for you to learn that other language…and to pray about moving overseas.

— Jairo Namnún

📍 Attention Worthy

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Selah Lipsey, Steven Morales, Jairo Namnún, David Platt, Camille Suazo